Retail Projects
Software projects for the retail business includes Special Events Management and Photo Kiosk Applications. We have printed over 50,000+ Santa photograph packages over the last 10 years at 13 different Santa shoots. Customers choose any combination of 13 packages at the village. Packages include sheets of 8x10, 5x7, 4x6 and wallets. 99% of all ordered packages are printed on true photographic prints and available for pickup within 5 minutes. This setup, unique in North America is due to our proprietary software. Other special event software include live model shoots, autocropped to 8x10 B&W with color sponsor logos and model names automatically added to print and available immediately after the shoot. Special event software is run on iMacs and Mac mini’s, however are unix/server based. The printing is done with a Noritsu D701 printer and/or event printers. Some of our Recent Special Events (for the Christmas season unless indicated).
2005 Bayshore Shopping Centre
2006 Bayshore Shopping Centre, Carlingwood Shopping Centre
2007 Bayshore Shopping Centre
2008 Bayshore Shopping Centre, Carlingwood Shopping Centre
2009 Carlingwood Shopping Centre
2010 Carlingwood Shopping Centre
2011 St. Laurent Centre
2012 St. Laurent Centre
2013 Bayshore Shopping Centre
2014 Bayshore Shopping Centre, Les Promenades Gatineau
2015 Les Promenades Gatineau
2016 Champlain Mall (Mtl - Easter Bunny)
2016 Les Promenades Gatineau
2017 Les Promenades Gatineau
2018 Les Promenades Gatineau
2019 Les Promenades Gatineau
2005 Bayshore Shopping Centre
2006 Bayshore Shopping Centre, Carlingwood Shopping Centre
2007 Bayshore Shopping Centre
2008 Bayshore Shopping Centre, Carlingwood Shopping Centre
2009 Carlingwood Shopping Centre
2010 Carlingwood Shopping Centre
2011 St. Laurent Centre
2012 St. Laurent Centre
2013 Bayshore Shopping Centre
2014 Bayshore Shopping Centre, Les Promenades Gatineau
2015 Les Promenades Gatineau
2016 Champlain Mall (Mtl - Easter Bunny)
2016 Les Promenades Gatineau
2017 Les Promenades Gatineau
2018 Les Promenades Gatineau
2019 Les Promenades Gatineau
Video from 2012 in the St. Laurent Shopping Centre showing the Noritsu printing a typical Santa package.
We are the "Kings of Santa Photos", now more than 10 years in 4 different malls. We have seen it all. Every year we add features, tweek the software and get better! We use a private iPad app to show the customers the pictures for selection, immediately after they are taken. I am sure we have many North America (world) firsts. No one has such a wide choice of packages, as quick a pickup, and an iPad app for display of event photos.
With our specialty software (Mac Net Order Controller) and Noritsu D701 printer - from selection to printing to customer in less than 2 minutes. Will also work with event printers such as the DNP DS40.
This video was taken in 2013. You may notice a slight delay from when the Noritsu gets the order until the first print starts. This is simply the Noritsu dryer warming up. Under normal busy condition, no warm up is required and the printing is even faster than shown below!!
Notice the customer surprise that the prints are ready after payment is complete. Typically the prints are waiting for them 99% of the time.